
Expectations (& realities) in the usage of applications and data.

Written by Rowan Freeman | Jan 15, 2020 4:40:18 AM

More often than not, RTG are brought in to schools to help confirm a hunch the Leadership Team has regarding everyday operations and business improvement. This hunch is usually based on thoughts of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness in everyday school practice - either in or out of the classroom. Whatever their suspicions, they know it's having a negative impact on their staff and students.

What we commonly find is that the negative impact of having to re-do work, and a lack of trust in the reliability of your technology, is much greater than they had realised.

In a recent LinkedIn article, I recapped some interesting results I found when consulting with schools around ‘Organisational Improvement’. Two scenarios were discussed, representing some of the more challenging issues we’ve helped schools solve:

1. How a school deals with data overload and its impact on staff; and

2. How application workflows are impacted by double-handling of data.

In scenario one, I discuss how a school knows it’s got information everywhere but is unaware of the extent of the spread, nor do they know the extent to which personal devices and hard-copy are being used to store critical school IP. In scenario two, using the SeeSaw application as an example, we want to understand if there are any skills/knowledge gaps from staff when using this application, and explore when and why other applications are being introduced to meet a similar outcome.

To conclude the article, four tips are offered for consideration when reflecting on your school's existing data strategy and roadmap. 

Click Here to read the LinkedIn article.